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Establishing Believers in the Christian Faith

Chapter 1: God's Church

from Church Vision, book 3 in the series The Christian Faith

The entire concept and understanding of a local “church” should be founded upon the revelation given by God Himself in the scriptures. It is God who conceived the idea of the church, initiated her birth thousands of years ago, appointed the risen Christ as her head, and sustains her through His life-giving Holy Spirit.

Paul described the church to the Ephesian Elders as “... the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). This is an extremely sobering thought, for it immediately puts in context who is ultimately the founder of any church, who the church answers to, as well as the exceedingly great price to bring her into existence. We can make several applications from this verse.

First, since the church is God’s church, believers are to look to Him in all things church-related. Whether it be understanding her purpose, her organizational structure, the qualifications and responsibilities of her leaders and members, her rites, the principles governing her worship services, or the many teachings she is to expound regarding marriage, family, life, work, or right and wrong. In all these things it is God Himself who is to be consulted and to whom believers are to submit. It is His church.

Second, since the church is God’s church, it follows the local church does not ultimately belong to church members, a pastor or group of pastors, a church board, a denominational committee, or anyone else. It is God’s church, of whom Jesus Christ is the head. This is not to suggest the decisions and positions of church boards, denominations, bible teachers, pastors, and the like should be despised or dismissed. Nor should this be taken to mean a local church should deem all other churches that do not align with all their positions as false churches. It is rather stated to emphasize the proper order: it is believers who are to align themselves with God’s purpose and plan for the church, as opposed to the other way around.

Third, consulting God’s mind on church-related matters necessarily involves an objective, systematic study of His word, for the word of God is the will of God. When presented with new concepts pertaining to the church, there is nothing necessarily wrong with statements such as “We never did things that way in church” or “I don’t feel comfortable with a church which does that,” provided a person is willing to evaluate their feelings and perspectives from scripture. There must be a willingness to objectively, prayerfully, and diligently search the scriptures on all things church-related, much like the Bereans in the book of Acts.

This series of messages seeks to draw from scripture an overview of God’s vision for His church. Prayerfully consider whether you want to join with me in fulfilling this scriptural vision. Just as God told Paul when He was in Corinth “I have many people in this city,” even so there are many people in this world who are lost, but they will eventually come to know God through Christ, and they are likewise His people. May God grant His vision for His church be fulfilled throughout the world.

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