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Establishing Believers in the Christian Faith

Rushwave Permissions Policy

Rushwave publishes print books, ebooks, audiobooks, and video books on various topics related to Christianity and theology. Rushwave also owns, maintains, and manages both and ("Sites"). The Sites provide extended excerpts from these published works, as well as additional content that is either unique to the site or soon to be published. The Rushwave Permissions Policy applies to all Rushwave "Resources" which includes all content on our Sites, as well as all our published works.

If you are ministered to by any content from Rushwave Resources, we encourage you to copy it for your own non-commercial personal use or link our page to your website or social media page. It is not necessary to obtain permission to quote any Rushwave Resource when the quote conforms to what copyright law classifies as "Fair Use." For more information, please see the official United States website.

Below are practical guidelines for minimizing potential liability for copyright infringement of not only Rushwave Resources, but copyrighted material in general.

Rushwave does not provide these guidelines as legal advice, nor does conforming to these guidelines necessarily mean a quote qualifies as Fair Use. Courts ultimately determine what constitutes Fair Use, not authors, publishers, or the party quoting the material.

If you would like to use content from Rushwave Resources in a manner that is not specified above, please contact us separately with the details of your request.

Rushwave reserves the right to make any modifications, at any time, with or without prior notice, to this Permission Policy.

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