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Establishing Believers in the Christian Faith

Bible Fundamentals series

The Bible Fundamentals series addresses topics that are critical to understanding the Bible as a whole.

  1. The Creation Accounts details the creation accounts in the book of Genesis.
  2. The Fall of Man studies man's original state of innocence and the nature and implications of violating God's command.
  3. Angels considers the creation, powers, categories, nature, roles, and influences of both good and evil angels.
  4. The Covenants of Scripture identifies the nature and purpose of the various covenants between God and man.
  5. The Trinity provides a proper understanding of God's existence as a single yet triune Being of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  6. False Teachers examines the many sciptural passages detailing the existence, nature, and characteristics of false teachers.
  7. Introduction to Old Testament Times examines the cultural and relgious settings of the various nations and people groups of the Old Testament.
  8. The History of Israel is a chronological study of the nation of Israel in the Old Testament.
  9. Introduction to New Testament Times provides a survey of the economic, social, religious, cultural and political setting of the New Testament.
  10. Jesus' Ministry in the Gospels details the unique purpose and traits of the four gospels.
  11. Survey of Pauline Epistles examines the purpose and occasion of the Pauline epistles in the context of his missionary journeys.
  12. Survey of Non-Pauline Epistles examines the purpose and occasion of the non-pauline epistles.

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