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Establishing Believers in the Christian Faith

The Church series

The Church series educate believers in the origin, nature, rites, characteristics, and practices of the church.

  1. The Nature and Purpose of the Church considers the origin, establishment, and essence of a church.
  2. The Baptisms of Scripture considers water baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the other baptisms in the New Testament.
  3. Church Culture reveals the church as a loving, highly relational community.
  4. Church Worship identifies principles in believers worshipping together in song.
  5. The Teaching of God's Word reveals biblical exhortations respecting the messages given in a church service.
  6. Corporate Prayer reveals the necessity and guidelines of open prayer in a church service.
  7. Spiritual Gifts reviews Paul's exhortations on the purpose, nature, distribution, and exercise of spiritual gifts.
  8. Church Ministry considers the necessity of and principles in believers serving one another.
  9. Church Government and Pastoral Care studies the qualifications, responsibilities, and sphere of authority of church officers.
  10. Church Membership identifies the qualifications, responsibilities, and privileges of being a member of a local church body.
  11. The Lord's Supper examines the scriptures related to Jesus' command to "Do this in remembrance of Me."
  12. Church Conflict identifies principles in managing personal offenses, witnessing other believers engaged in open sin, and doctrinal disagreements.

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