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Establishing Believers in the Christian Faith

from the book Why I Love God

23: The One Thing God Requires

God just wants one thing, and one thing only. He wants us, in the midst of recognizing our own lostness, blindness, and sinful rebellion, to cry out to Him for mercy. He wants us, while conscious of the fact that all our works are deserving of judgment, to look towards His Son Jesus Christ to save us. He wants our trust and confidence that He, through His only begotten Son, will spare us the judgment we have earned. That He not only has the power to save wretches like us, but He is ready and willing to do so. That He is a rewarder of those who seek Him, and He is willing to show mercy.

When we call on the Lord in this way, it does not put Him under obligation to save us, as if it is a debt He owes. Not at all. Rather, it is just God’s nature not to despise a broken and contrite heart. And He takes no pleasure in meting out justice, but rather delights in showing mercy.

If there is a picture that reflects what God requires from us, it would be this. The Lord Jesus would be standing and we would be on our knees before Him, with our head bowed to His feet, prostrate in heart, broken of spirit, recognizing we had nothing to commend ourselves to God, and asking forgiveness for all our sins as an act of mercy, grace, and unmerited kindness on His part. That would be the accurate picture.

When we believe, the all-powerful, all-wise God takes it upon Himself to effect that which we cannot do. And in keeping with His gracious character, He gives us more than we ask for. He not only forgives all our sins, but He also indwells us with His divine life, establishes us in relationship with Himself, places us in His new spiritual family, and positions us to inherit eternal life on a new earth where Jesus Christ will reign as King.

If you have not believed on Jesus Christ yet, this message and good news I am telling you is yet another occasion of God pursuing you and seeking to show you mercy.

I exhort you today; I exhort you today as if God Himself were appealing to you through me: believe in the Lord Jesus Christ so you may be saved.

from the book Why I Love God

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