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Establishing Believers in the Christian Faith

Why a Retreat

"And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was already named ..." Romans 15:20

Much of the New Testament was written by the apostle Paul, and it is impossible to read his letters or the accounts about him without seeing he was resolute in fulfilling his God-given call.

Paul's goals and plans were not arbitrary or made on a whim. They were based on a knowledge and awareness of numerous things. First and foremost he knew God personally and intimately, and he knew God's word and the Holy Spirit who indwelled him. He knew himself as well: his calling, gifts, talents, passions, weaknesses, and strengths. He also knew many other godly men, as well as the needs of those with whom he associated. When Paul made decisions, it was in keeping and in alignment with all these things.

Paul made scores of decisions, and they all reflect faith, prayer, discernment and intention. When he purposed to go one place as opposed to another, to stay in one place longer as opposed to leave sooner, to preach here, to teach there, to disciple this person, to correct that person, to bring a gift to a needy church, or write a letter to another church, in all these things he was intentional. He made plans, set goals, determined the steps necessary to achieve those goals, and acted.

Paul not only desired to fulfill his own calling, but he also yearned for others to fulfill the service to which God had appointed them as well.

To a fellow co-worker in ministry, Paul exhorted: "Say to Archippus, 'Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.'" Colossians 4:17

To Timothy Paul said: "But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry" 2 Timothy 4:5.

And in Paul's final letter prior to his martyrdom, he commented on his own life by saying: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith ..." 2 Timothy 2:7

Like Archippus, Timothy and Paul, each of us have a task, purpose and service to which God has called us. The long term goal of every believer should be to fulfill that calling, accomplish that service, and be a good steward of the gifts God has entrusted to us. And we should do this from a motive of love for Christ on account of his gracious sacrifice, and with a view to one day stand before Him and hear Him say "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Believers are in different places regarding fulfilling their calling. Some are seeking to find out what their calling is, and this applies to many different spheres and situations. Is God calling one to singleness? marriage? college? a new job? a new church? a new charitable service? a formal ministry? Others have a longing in their heart to do this, accomplish that, relocate here, or live there, and they don't know if those desires and aspirations are from God. Still others know their calling, but don't know what steps to take to move forward, or they have gotten off course by letting the cares of life get in the way.

The Course Corrections retreat is exactly that: a time set apart to make a life course correction in fulfilling one's calling. There is wisdom in establishing a routine to be introspective and seek God regarding fulfilling our calling, and also in prayerfully and intelligently in faith identifying the steps necessary to move forward. When people have ended their Course Corrections retreat, they should be refreshed, encouraged and settled in heart, knowing they are moving forward in the will of God to be able to say at the end of their life "I have finished the course."

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