Share your Testimony
In 1st John the apostle John affectionately referred to his disciples as his “little children.” And he wrote two more letters after the first. In 2nd John he wrote “I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth" (2 John 4). And in a personal letter to Gaius he wrote: “I was very glad when brethren came and testified to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth. I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth” (3 John 3–4).
These verses reveal the heart of the apostle. What brought him great joy was hearing positive reports of the spiritual state of those to whom he ministered. It was not only teaching spiritual truth that brought him joy, but hearing those he taught were walking in those truths.
In your life you will be served by churches, pastors, Bible teachers, and various Christian ministries. It is a great encouragement to them to hear from you and express how you were built-up in the faith. Failing to let them know this deprives them of that joy.
I fulfilled this principle without even knowing it after I was saved. I was a staunch athiest in my youth and heard the gospel through my physics professor. Eventually I was saved, and I chose to go back to that professor and say "Thank you for sharing the gospel on the first day of class; your testimony was a seed God planted in my heart." I never forget how the professor responded. He said "Thank you; many times I wonder whether my sharing ever does any good." He received encouragement to continue sharing simply because I communicated how what he did ministered to me.
We here at Rushwave provide a great deal of teaching in spiritual things. And since our teaching resources are available online for free without visitors providing even so much as an e-mail address, it is possible for believers to be established in their faith without our ever even knowing about it.
This reveals another way you can strengthen us: by simply letting us know how you were blessed through us. When we hear your testimony of how we contributed to establishing you in the Christian faith, we find great joy and glorify God on your behalf. And it encourages us to not only persevere amidst opposition, but also to expand our ministries.
Do contact us, won't you? Whether it be an email, letter, phone, or in-person visit, share your testimony with us so we may rejoice with you.
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